Don't forget to sign up for Bike to Work week!
Aiken-Doyle Team
Call or text (604) 740 1923 info@aikendoyleteam.comSign In Sign Up
Real Estate on the Sunshine Coast Continues to be a hot commodity. Prices are up 16% and the dollar Volume of Sales has climbed 158% from last year! Inventory is at its lowest in 8 years. We have new buyers contacting us everyday and we need homes to sell them. The Market continues to be a Sellers Market and we are seeing many mulitple offer situations with offers coming in well over asking price. If you are considering selling, NOW is the time! Contact us for a free home evaluation and we would be happy to discuss your real estate needs.
Come and join us for our 4th Annual Family Day event. Once again we're setting up in the Gym at Gibsons Elementary School on Monday the 8th of February at 3:00 in the afternoon. Admission is a non-perishable food bank item and feel free to bring a pillow to sit on (we will have chairs too). The Concession will be run by the Gibsons Elementary PAC with all proceeds going to them. Doors open at 2:30.